Lodní třída Zoom 8

Dana Dvořáková | 18.02.2010

Níže naleznete informace pro zájemce o lodní třídu Zoom 8.

The Zoom 8 is an International Strict-One-Type Class dinghy recognized by ISAF, which meets all demands from the sailors, fulfils the attributes of being a modern, speedy and demanding boat, constructed for the age group in question and as such is the challenging tool for Youth Sailors from all over the world. The Zoom 8 is designed in Finland and gained interest all over the world, and nobody couldn't find a better sailman for the class than a youngster who has been out trying the dinghy.

Track record for the last 5 years and furthermore show that youngsters remain active in sailing after their years in Zoom 8. Clubs which have taken Zoom 8 into their training programs point on strongly growing numbers of active members.

Zoom 8 is easy to start with, but as skills develop the trickier the dinghy becomes. Top sailors of today are training almost around the year to gain skills and physics needed. Zoom 8 dinghies strongly appeals to the young sailors of today. A modern layout, a swift hull with good planning abilities, a modern sail rig, combined with the fact that if doesn't fill with water when capsized, fulfils any youngster dream of a Youth Racer.

All boats are produced in moulds taken from the Master Mould, so giving all hulls and decks practically the same shape and any changes to the form is prohibited.

The Masts, produced by Exel, are all mono-type and produced in an automatic procedure, so guaranteeing equal strength and bending profiles. No other mast is accepted. The mast usually is not exchanged, but the top sailors carry a spare mast for races for emergency cases. Expected life time is 5-8 years.

The Sails, produced by Doyle is made of a 140 g balanced woven cloth of Medium Tempered type. The licensed producers of the sails use the sail drawings and patterns made for the production of the sails. No other sails or any modifications to the sails are allowed. All the sails are in-house measured and stamped before delivery to the dealer/end-user. The sail is expected to last 2-3 seasons under normal racing conditions, but top sailors tend to renew it each year.

The rudders and dagger boards are produced by a licensed builder and may not be changed in shape. Both blades have a producer's plaque to be acknowledged as Zoom 8 Strict-One-Type blades.

All the equipment on board, except the compass and a towing line, are placed on their given places by means of a drilling jig and these places may not be changed. The Strict-One-Type Class Rules, rules out any possibility to exchange or tamper with the equipment.

Measuring Procedure: All Zoom 8 dinghies are alike and In-House Measured before delivery from any Licensed Builder. So far, no significant changes has been made by sailors to boats racing in International Events and an Extensive Measurement Procedure carried out at the European Championship in Torbole, Italy, march 2008, showed no tampering with the boats or their equipment.

The Zoom 8 dinghy is normally transported on the roof rack with its bottom up. The launching trolley is put on top of the boat. All the equipment including boom, rudder, sail, mast and dagger board fit into the dinghy, but are usually transported in the car.

IZCA (International Zoom 8 Class Association) was formed in 2000, when the Class got a Scandinavian Strict-One-Type Status. As the Class got ISAF Recognized Status in 2002, the Association grew in members and since 2004, when receiving Full International Status, the Executive Committee of the Class has been representing several Continents.

IZCA has successfully carried out 6 World Championship's and 6 European Championships. This year the European Championship will take place at Lake Garda, Italy and the IZCA will be more than happier to have sailors from Czech Republic along with their active sailors. Around 100 skippers from different countries will join the competition.

A Zoom 8 production is opened in the south-west of Romania to Drobeta Turnu Severin. I have the License of All Rights of Zoom 8 dinghy, with full support from the owner.

Sail Away is the licensed company to build, promote and sell the Zoom 8 in it's area. I'm looking forward to find a dealer who can promote the dinghy in Czech Republic.

The price for a full equipped Zoom 8 is 3.207 eur excl .v.a.t. If the clubs are interested for getting over 5 dinghyes, of course special offers will be. To test the boat, I'm willing to give you for practice a demo boat.





TEL. NO.: +40 748 653 532


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