NoR Carnival Cup 2010.

Dana Dvořáková | 12.12.2009

19. - 21. 2. 2010, Opatija, Croatia, OPTIMIST 1.6 – Optimist class


XV International Sailing Regatta



Opatija, Croatia, 19. - 21.2. 2010.


* The regatta is governed by The Racing Rules of Sailing 2009 - 2012 (RRS), the OPTIMIST class rules, Notice of Race and Sailing instructions. If there is a conflict between Rules Sailing instructions and english text will prevail.

* The race is classified as “C” category accordance with ISAF Advertising code. All competitors must display stickers of Event sponsors. All competitors shall be accordance with ISAF Eligibility Code and member of their respective National Association are eligibility to compete.

* Entries should be sent to the address: Sailing club "Opatija", Zert 1, HR-51410 Opatija, Croatia, Tel./Fax. +385 51 272 530, e-mail: before February 15th, 2010. (Post stamp) and personally confirm in Race office not later than February 18th, 2008. at 20:00 hours. Organiser may accept late entries with double entry fee. Sailing instructions shall be to each competitor in Race Office

* Entry fee is as follows and pay it in Race office OPTIMIST = 60 kn (cca 8,5 EUR)

* Start of the first race is scheduled on Friday, February 19th, 2010 at 9:30 hours

* 7 races will be held if possible.

* Racing area will be in Rijeka Bay (near Opatija).

* Low Point System according to Appendix A RRS will apply.

* Prizes will be assigned to:

* first three competitors overall

* first three girl competitors

* first three boys under 12 year old

* first three girls under 12 year old

* Other information for the Event and accommodation on

* International Jury be composed in accordance with Appendix N RRS

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