Nechranický skluz


Event Code 251104
First day of the event 2025-04-26
Number of days 2
Venue Nechranice
Organizer YACHT CLUB CERE, z.s.
Classes RS 500-7P
RS Feva-7P
RS 400-7P
End of online registration 26.04.2025 12:00:00

Current entries:

Members of CZE MNA: To enter the application, first log in to your CSJ account.

Non-member of CZE MNA:

Entry fee

The reduced entry fee only applies to applications paid till 2025-04-20
Entry feeReduced Entry fee
RS 5001800 CZK1600 CZK
RS Feva1800 CZK1600 CZK
29er1800 CZK1600 CZK
RS 4001800 CZK1600 CZK

Entry List

RS 500

maximum number of boats: 30 (registered: 1)
CZE 1010Add crew
Člen ČSJ nepřihlášen
Klára Houšková1130-1746WomanHelm
